News and other items
- News | Press14-12-2023
BAM and QuinteQ Energy initiate demonstration on a construction site with a flywheel as a sustainable, kinetic battery.
Amsterdam, December 14, 2023 – BAM Materieel and QuinteQ Energy are launching a trial at a construction site in Amsterdam using a flywheel as a sustainable, kinetic battery. Employing a flywheel as a peak shaver can prevent grid conge...
Read more - News | Press14-11-2023
QuinteQ Energy reconfirms partnership with Boeing to revolutionize the energy transition
November 13, 2023 was a good day for multiple reasons. We had the honor to present our success story of our 5-year long collaboration with Boeing to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Micky Adriaansens at Huis ter Duin. Flanked b...
Read more - Blogs10-10-2023
The Family that plays together, stays together..
And promoting a healthy and happy lifestyle while at it!...
Read more - Press01-09-2023
Introducing QuinteQ Energy’s Vision for a Sustainable Energy Transition
QuinteQ Energy is at the forefront of revolutionizing the energy landscape, and our CEO, Paul Vosbeek, shares our vision in a new video. In this interview, Paul discusses the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions and energy flexibili...
Read more - Press22-08-2023
QuinteQ featured in SOLAR365 magazine
QuinteQ has been featured in the Dutch magazine of SOLAR365, where we introduce the flywheel to an otherwise mostly chemical-storage-oriented audience. Apologies to our non-Dutch speakers, but this interview is in Dutch only. Artikel...
Read more - News31-03-2023
NOMAD kick-off meeting in Zaragoza, Spain
These past 3 days, QuinteQ participated in the kick-off meeting for the EDF NOMAD project which was organized in the Spanish city of Zaragoza. The NOMAD consortium consist of 19 industry and academic partners, supported by 11 Europea...
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About QuinteQ

At QuinteQ, we have the vision that everyone should have access to clean, affordable & reliable energy. We have taken on the challenge to develop and introduce a high-tech flywheel energy storage technology with the goal to provide an affordable and flexible energy storage solution to support the energy transition. It is our mission to design and build our products with the lowest possible footprint during production, operation, and re-use of the materials once a system is retired.