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QuinteQ present at Next Generation Concept Development (NXCD) event in Ede.

Last week QuinteQ was present at the Next Generarion Concept Development (NXCD) event at Camp Innovation in Ede. Always impressive and humbling to see our men and wonen in uniform working hard and innovating relentlessly to keep us safe now and in the future.

QuinteQ Energy was present with a demo setup of our Flywheel Energy Storage System which will be further put to the test in the next several weeks and months by our skillful engineering and end-user partners of the Dutch Ministry of Defense.

#freedomdoesnotcomeforfree #flywheelsforever

About QuinteQ

At QuinteQ, we have the vision that everyone should have access to clean, affordable & reliable energy. We have taken on the challenge to develop and introduce a high-tech flywheel energy storage technology with the goal to provide an affordable and flexible energy storage solution to support the energy transition. It is our mission to design and build our products with the lowest possible footprint during production, operation, and re-use of the materials once a system is retired.